Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014


When two human being is separate certain cause by some factors. And the basic factor is notbelieve one another and not same understand. If asked why people in particular woman is difficult for move on when separated ? in my opinion first, because woman always more use feeling than her mind until feeling will difficult to forgotten just at the moment. Not surprised if we often see weep woman or confusion cause leave or finished with her partner. Secondly, because still love (they are finished maybe because the man is boring or has other woman but she is still like and love with his until occasionally she will cry, confusion for several days when leaved ). Third, because be sorry (like, when related the woman is very not heed to her man. Not give understands, busy with own self and when they leave, she feel there is lose from her self, she aware if which she does during in time is wrong and she very want to start this relationship again with interest attitude. But when the woman be sorry, the man change as not heed of she until feel wish shadows comeback bigger in her mind until difficult to remove or even the man has other woman so will very ill her heart). Fourth, because beautiful memory which they do in several time in their related.( Remember when happy, sad always together, one another to entertain, joke-smile, love which give can’t give by other people. Remember first time when related still simple, remember when quarrell that all if passed we will feel miss want can together again). Fiveth, because feel amazed (amazed with his appearance is handsome, his habit, characteristic which cool, calm, love full of his woman, of age, funny and the charisma which emission be infatuate to he and difficult to forgotten ). Sixth, because often meet (how can move on if often meet ? because with meet will appear feel love again. And will appear minds which we want to throw away and remove). Seventh, because still there is contact (there is still communication well between woman and man until difficult to forgotten he). Eight, because still save thing which gift he. Like doll, dress, shoes, and other accessories. When we look, open again that things then that all make memory, make always remember about he). And the last and maybe this need to poor is because there is not stock or other man which fill up her heart or other changer man until in her mind just there is that man. Not yet change with more than before until her mind still focus with previously).
Move on I think that thing is difficult because all memory ever did together will always remember although we have other partner. And I think move on need long time can for several months until in year because in mind there is still very special people. And also support with there is not contact like communication, meet in way or in one location with he.
My suggestion come on move on because not good for our self if still heard hold with people is don’t like with us again, and find more certain. Remember in sky still there is sky. FIGHTING :)

Sabtu, 19 April 2014


Herbalic vs chemistry medicine
Where you choose ?
Most people certain choose chemistry medicine because it healing is faster than herbalic. But you don’t know if side effect of chemistry medicine is often happen. I want to show you tabel about ratio of herbalic and chemistry medicine. And I hope you can choose better treatment for your health :
Herbalic medicine
Chemistry medicine
Achieved price
The price relative is expensive because impor factor
Small side effect moreover there is not side effect if use which precise.
Side effect of therapy more often happen.
Slow reaction.
Fast reaction.
Full reform for body system.
Just reform some body system.
Efektif untuk penyakit kronis yang sulit diatasi dengan obat kimia.
Relatif kurang efektif untuk penyakit kronis
Side therapy : diet of some food.
Side therapy : diet of some food and some treatment of body like surgical or operation and management of stress.

If you ask, where which better between herbalic or chemistry medicine ? the answer is dependent of your situation and condition. Because the reaction of herbalic medicine is slow of emergency case like bleeding, chemistry better use because faster reaction for overcome symptom and muffle of feel sick.
The same metter for handling patient of acute ill like cancer which last stadium. Because this is emergency, operation and surgical more effective because relative fast.  But if patient want to herbalic medicine can still give but can’t use only except for combination chemistry and other medicine which need. For that moment, the function of herbalic more focus of rise  effectiveness treatment and decrease side effect of chemistry medicine.Different with if condition patient still safe. Using herbalic medicine can use only.
 Dr Amarullah H Siregar opinion’s, chemistry medicine more function for treat symptom, but not cure. So chemistry medicine just repair some body system. Different with herbalic medicine which work direct entire cell, tissue, and organ of body damage and increase immune body system to fight versus dissease.
Example, meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria) have effect like antibiotic. It is not direct kill patogen, but first activate gland in body so produce cell-T to kill patogen. Because this, need long time to feel effect from herblic medicine. Although thus, superiority of herbalic medicine is minimal side effect or there is not side effect if use with right .
In the other hand consume herbalic medicine can dengerous of life. Scientist from King’s College, England found fact if herbalic medicine have good function, but also threaten kidney and cardiovascullar system. And to respond that found, dr.furqon as health specialist say if herbalic medicine can dangerous if producer add something in herbalic ingredients like,  
1. mix with steroid medicine for encouraging appetite.
2. Mix with steroid and analgetic medicine to arrest feel sick : reumatism, sick of   hinge, etc.         
 3. Mix with sidenafil, it is medicine for strong man.
If you want to consume herbalic medicine you must attention some matter :
1. herbal product said safety if Produk herbal finish proof as scientific pass through collection of safety test : toxicity and teratogenic.
2. Definite herbalic medicine get turn formal license and buy from reliable producer.
3. Herbalic medicine not certain safe for child, young, old, pregnant women and give suck or patient with cancer and surgical.
4. Therapist know about anatomy and physiology of human.
5. Careful with false medicine or expiration date.
6. Use appropriate instruction, not remain.
7. Careful if consume with chemistry medicine if there is not scientific data. Because can dangerous.
8. Not shy to ask to herbal specialist about using. Because each body have different respond for medicine, although have same complaint.
9. Need to know what food, drink, medicine and activity which must avoid during consume herbalic medicine.

In this conclusion, herbal or chemistry medicine use dependent of your situation and condition.

Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

tutorial membuat makalah menggunakan MS-WORD

1. Buat cover makalah :

  • klik insert
  • klik cover page
  • pilih cover
2. untuk page selanjutnya, 
  • ketikkan sub judul makalahnya sesuai urutan sistematis makalah, yang dimulai dari ( kata pengantar, daftar gambar, daftar tabel, daftar isi, bab I pendahuluan, bab II pembahasan, bab III penutup, daftar pustaka).
  • setelah itu blok sub judul tersebut, pada tab home, pilih heading 1.
  • ketikkan sub bab, seperti ( 1.1 latar belakang, 1.2 rumusan masalah, 1.3 maksut dan tujuan, 1.4 metodologi) begitu pula dengan yang lain apabila terdapat sub babnya.
  • blok sub bab tersebut, pada tab home, pilih heading 2.
3. buatlah isi makalahnya terlebih dahulu.
4. apabila ingin menambahkan gambar atau tabel silahkan.
  • pada tab insert, klik picture untuk file milik sendiri atau clip art untuk file yang sudah disediakan komputer.
  • pilih gambar, klik insert.
  • klik gambar tersebut, pada tab references, klik insert caption.
  • pada kolom caption, tulis nama / judul gambar/ tabel tersebut.
  • pada kolom label, pilih list gambar/ apabila kita masukkan tabel pilih list tabel.
  • klik oke.
5. untuk memberikan halaman yang berbeda (dalam satu dokument ada romawi dan angka),
  • klik/ letakkan kursor pada page sebelum daftar isi.
  • klik page layout, klik breaks.
  • pilih next page.
  • double klik footer/bagian bawah kertas.
  • klik page number.
  • klik buttom page.
  • pilih jenis tampilan halaman.
  • blok angka halaman yang sudah otomatis keluar.
  • klik page number.
  • klik format page numbers.
  • pada kolom number format, pilih angka romawi.
  • pada kolom page numbering, pilih start at: i
  • klik oke.
  • pada page bab I pendahuluan, blok angka halaman yang muncul, klik/ matikan link to previous.
  • klik page number.
  • klik format page numbers.
  • pada kolom number format, pilih angka 1,2,3
  • pada kolom page numbering pilih start at: 1, klik oke.
  • maka dalam satu dokument MS-WORD ada halaman yang memakai angka romawi dan biasa.
6. untuk membuat daftar isi secara otomatis,
  • arahkan kursor pada page daftar isi.
  • klik references
  • klik table of contents.
  • pilih jenis daftar isi yang diinginkan. maka akan muncul secara otomatis daftar makalah yang kita buat beserta halamannya pada page daftar isi.
7. untuk menambahkan daftar gambar/ daftar tabel,
  • arahkan kursor pada page daftar gambar/ tabel.
  • pada tab references, klik insert table of figures.
  • pada kolom caption label, pilih list gambar untuk daftar gambar/ list tabel uuntuk daftar tabel.
  • klik oke. 
  • maka akan muncul daftar gambar yang sudah diinsert dalam pembahasan makalah beserta halaman gambar tersebut berada.

Jumat, 29 November 2013

cara membuat jaringan komputer

1.       Siapkan alat dan bahan (kabel UTP, konector RJ45, laptop atau komputer 2/lebih, crimping tool, kabel tester, silet ).
2.       Kupas kedua ujung kabel UTP dengan silet sampai terlihat inti kabel, kemudian pisahkan dari pilinannya.
3.       Setidaknya ada 2 jenis kabel, yang satu untuk straight (kedua ujung kabel sama urutan warnanya 1-1) dan yang lain cross ( kedua ujung berbeda 1-2 ).
4.       Urutkan sesuai urutan warna cross/straight.
·         Untuk 2 : PH H PO B PB O PC C
·         Untuk 1 : PO O PH B PB H PC C
5.       Sejajarkan sama panjang, apabila tidak sejajar potong dengan crimping tool.
6.       Masukkan pada konector RJ45
7.       Press dengan crimping tool
8.       Cek  apakah sudah benar atau tidak dengan kabel tester.
·         Untuk staright, lampu keduangan akan menunjukkan angka yang sama.
·         Untuk cross, lampu keduanya akan berbeda dengan urutan : 1-3, 2-6, 3-1, 4-4, 5-5, 6-2, 7-7, 8-8.
9.       Hubungkan dengan kedua laptop terserah anda ingin yang straight atau cross. Tapi kita pakai straight.
10.   Kedua laptop, Klik control panel
11.   Pilih network and internet
12.   Pilih sharing center
13.   Klik change adapter setting
14.   Pilih LAN (Local Area Network)
15.   Pilih properties
16.   Klik PV4 (4TCP)
17.   Klik use the following IP address.  Pada address untuk kolom atas masukkan angka 192.168. (angka harus sama pada kedua laptop). (angka harus beda pada kedua laptop).
18.   Klik subnet mask, akan muncul secara otomatis
19.   Klik Okah
20.   Klik close
21.   Klik accesories
22.   Klik command Promt, tulis PING (sesuai angka yang telah dimasukkan tadi).
23.   Tekan enter
24.   Klik control panel
25.   Klik network and interrnet
26.   Klik windows firewall
27.   Turn off semua
28.   Klik oke
29.   Klik change advance sharing settings
30.   Turn off password
31.   Klik save change
Untuk memulai sharing data :
1.       Cari folder atau data yang ingin di share (untuk komp. server)
2.       Klik kanan data
3.       Klik properties
4.       Klik sharing
5.       Klik share
6.       Pilih everyone pada kolom add
7.       Klik add
8.       Klik share
9.       Klik done
10.   Klik close
Cara mengecek data atau folder apakah sudah masuk pada komp. Client :
1.       Klik network ( pada kom. Client )
2.       Pada tab adressnya klik nama penyimpanan folder atau data dari server. Seperti : //user-PC/
3.       Tekan enter
4.       Akan muncul data yang sudah di share.
Catatan :
Pada kabel cross semuanya bisa jadi server dan client.

Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

cara membuat undangan

Cara membuat undangan dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas yang telah disediakan oleh Microsoft office.
Langkah pertama :
·         Buat daftar nama , alamat yang dituju yang dimulai dari sel A1.
·         Sebagai contoh memasukkan NIM, apabila NIM tidak muncul lengkap, langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan adalah :
1.       Klik kiri pada sel NIM
2.       Pilih format cell
3.       Pada tab number, pilih number
4.       Klik oke
5.       Maka NIM akan muncul dengan lengkap.
·         Simpan

Langkah kedua :
·         Buat kata-kata undangan pada Microsoft word
·         Klik pada menubar mailings
·         Klik start mail merge
·         Pilih normal word document
·         Klik select recipients
·         Pilih use existing list
·         Pilih tempat document ms-excel (daftar nama dan alamat yang dituju )yang telah kamu simpan sebelumnya.
·         Klik open
·         Untuk melihat apakah hasil data Microsoft excel sudah masuk dalam microsot word, klik edit recipient list pada menubar mailings.
·         Arahkan kursor pada tempat nama atau alamat yang dituju.
·         Klik insert merge field pada menubar mailings
·         Pilih nama atau alamat sesuai letak kursor sebelumnya
·         Klik preview results (untuk melihat hasil namanya)
·         Klik next untuk melihat nama tujuan selanjutnya.
·         Selesai deh..semoga berguna J

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013



Toshiba Satellite L840
Type processor
Speed processor
Intel Atom N450
166.3 MHz
Socket 559 FCBGA8
L1 Data Cache Size     24 KBytes
L1 Instructions Cache Size      32 KBytes
L2 Unified Cache Size 512 KBytes
Intel Core i5 3210M
Socket 988B rPGA
L1 Data Cache Size    2 x 32 KBytes
L1 Instructions Cache Size            2 x 32 KBytes
L2 Unified Cache Size            2 x 256 KBytes
L3 Unified Cache Size            3072 KBytes


Toshiba Satellite L840
Speed processor
1024 Mbytes

2048 Mbytes
798.3 MHz


Toshiba Satellite L840
Chipset Vendor                Intel
Chipset Model  Atom Host Bridge
Chipset Revision               00
Slot PCI
                Slot Type             PCI
                Slot Usage           Unknown
                Bus Width           32 bit
                Slot Designation                TI7412
                Characteristics   5V, 3.3V
                Slot Number      0
Southbridge Vendor       Intel
Southbridge Model         NM10
Southbridge Revision     02

Chipset Vendor           Intel
Chipset Model            Ivy Bridge
Chipset Revision         09
Southbridge Vendor   Intel
Southbridge Model     HM76
Southbridge Revision 04


Toshiba Satellite L840
Hitachi HTS545016B9A300
Intel management engine component

Toshiba Satellite L840
                You are not connected to the internet
                                Computer Name
                                                NetBIOS Name USER-PC
                                                DNS Name          user-PC
                                                Membership      Part of workgroup
                                                Workgroup                WORKGROUP
                                Remote Desktop
                                                                                State                Active
                                                                                Domain                user-PC
                                WinInet Info
                                                Local system has a valid connection to the Internet, but it might or might not be currently connected
                                                Local system uses a modem to connect to the Internet
                                                Local system is in offline mode
                                                Local system has RAS to connect to the Internet
                                Wi-Fi Info
                                                Using native Wi-Fi API version 2
                                                Available access points count    1
                                                                Wi-Fi (UMMHotspot)
                                                                                SSID                UMMHotspot
                                                                                Frequency                2412000 kHz
                                                                                Channel Number               1
                                                                                Name                UMMHotspot
                                                                                Signal Strength/Quality              38
                                                                                Security                Disabled
                                                                                State                The interface is not connected to any network
                                                                                Dot11 Type      Infrastructure BSS network
                                                                                Network                Connectible
                                                                                Network Flags      There is a profile for this network
                                                                                Cipher Algorithm to be used when joining this network                No Cipher algorithm is enabled/supported
                                                                                Default Auth used to join this network for the first time                IEEE 802.11 Open System authentication algorithm
                                                WinHTTPSessionProxyType         No proxy
                                                Session Proxy
                                                Session Proxy Bypass
                                                Connect Retries                5
                                                Connect Timeout (ms)                60,000
                                                HTTP Version     HTTP 1.1
                                                Max Connects Per 1.0 Servers INFINITE
                                                Max Connects Per Servers                INFINITE
                                                Max HTTP automatic redirects              10
                                                Max HTTP status continue                10
                                                Send Timeout (ms)                30,000
                                                IEProxy Auto Detect                Yes
                                                IEProxy Auto Config
                                                IEProxy Bypass
                                                Default Proxy Config Access Type       No proxy
                                                Default Config Proxy
                                                Default Config Proxy Bypass
                                Sharing and Discovery
                                                Network Discovery                Disabled
                                                File and Printer Sharing                Disabled
                                                File and printer sharing service  Enabled
                                                Simple File Sharing                Enabled
                                                Administrative Shares                Enabled
                                                Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts     Classic - local users authenticate as themselves
                                Adapters List
                                                                Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter
                                                                                IP Address      
                                                                                Subnet mask
                                                                                Gateway server
                                                                                MAC Address               06-26-B6-E5-F4-1F
                                                                Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller
                                                                                IP Address      
                                                                                Subnet mask
                                                                                Gateway server
                                                                                MAC Address               88-AE-1D-42-4A-54
                                                                Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter
                                                                                IP Address      
                                                                                Subnet mask
                                                                                Gateway server
                                                                                MAC Address               00-26-B6-E5-F4-1F
                                Network Shares
                                                No network shares
            You are not connected to the internet
                        Computer Name
                                    NetBIOS Name            TOSHIBA
                                    DNS Name            TOSHIBA
                                    Membership    Part of workgroup
                                    Workgroup            WORKGROUP
                        Remote Desktop
                                                            State            Active
                                                            Domain           TOSHIBA
                        WinInet Info
                                    Local system has RAS to connect to the Internet
                        Wi-Fi Info
                                    Using native Wi-Fi API version     2
                                    Available access points count    2
                                                Wi-Fi (UMMHotspot)
                                                            SSID            UMMHotspot
                                                            Name            UMMHotspot
                                                            Signal Strength/Quality         44
                                                            Security           Disabled
                                                            State            The interface is not connected to any network
                                                            Dot11 Type    Infrastructure BSS network
                                                            Network          Connectible
                                                            Network Flags            There is a profile for this network
                                                            Cipher Algorithm to be used when joining this network           No Cipher algorithm is enabled/supported
                                                            Default Auth used to join this network for the first time        IEEE 802.11 Open System authentication algorithm
                                                Wi-Fi (Osce1)
                                                            SSID            Osce1
                                                            Name            Osce1
                                                            Signal Strength/Quality         34
                                                            Security           Disabled
                                                            State            The interface is not connected to any network
                                                            Dot11 Type    Infrastructure BSS network
                                                            Network          Connectible
                                                            Network Flags            There is a profile for this network
                                                            Cipher Algorithm to be used when joining this network           No Cipher algorithm is enabled/supported
                                                            Default Auth used to join this network for the first time        IEEE 802.11 Open System authentication algorithm
                                    WinHTTPSessionProxyType  No proxy
                                    Session Proxy
                                    Session Proxy Bypass
                                    Connect Retries            5
                                    Connect Timeout (ms)     60,000
                                    HTTP Version HTTP 1.1
                                    Max Connects Per 1.0 Servers            INFINITE
                                    Max Connects Per Servers            INFINITE
                                    Max HTTP automatic redirects          10
                                    Max HTTP status continue          10
                                    Send Timeout (ms)            30,000
                                    IEProxy Auto Detect            Yes
                                    IEProxy Auto Config
                                    IEProxy Bypass
                                    Default Proxy Config Access Type    No proxy
                                    Default Config Proxy
                                    Default Config Proxy Bypass
                        Sharing and Discovery
                                    Network Discovery            Disabled
                                    File and Printer Sharing            Disabled
                                    File and printer sharing service Enabled
                                    Simple File Sharing            Enabled
                                    Administrative Shares            Enabled
                                    Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts          Classic - local users authenticate as themselves
                        Adapters List
                                                Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter
                                                            IP Address 
                                                            Subnet mask
                                                            Gateway server 
                                                            MAC Address           06-E5-43-99-D9-FB
                                                Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter
                                                            IP Address 
                                                            Subnet mask
                                                            Gateway server 
                                                            MAC Address           74-E5-43-99-D9-FB
                                                Qualcomm Atheros AR8152 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.30)
                                                            IP Address 
                                                            Subnet mask
                                                            Gateway server 
                                                            MAC Address           04-7D-7B-C0-FA-EB
                        Network Shares
                                    No network shares

Toshiba Satellite L840
                                                Name    Generic PnP Monitor on Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150
                                                Current Resolution                1024x600 pixels
                                                Work Resolution                1024x560 pixels
                                                State     Enabled, Primary
                                                Monitor Width  1024
                                                Monitor Height 600
                                                Monitor BPP      32 bits per pixel
                                                Monitor Frequency         60 Hz
                                                Device                \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
                                Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150
                                                Manufacturer    Intel
                                                Model   Graphics Media Accelerator 3150
                                                Device ID             8086-A011
                                                Subvendor          Toshiba (1179)
                                                Current Performance Level     Level 0
                                                Driver version      
                                                                Count of performance levels : 1
                                                                                Level 1
                                Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150
                                                Manufacturer    Intel
                                                Model   Graphics Media Accelerator 3150
                                                Device ID             8086-A012
                                                Subvendor          Toshiba (1179)
                                                Current Performance Level     Level 0
                                                Driver version      
                                                                Count of performance levels : 1
                                                                                Level 1
            Name   Generic PnP Monitor on Intel HD Graphics 4000
            Current Resolution      1366x768 pixels
            Work Resolution         1366x728 pixels
            State    Enabled, Primary
            Monitor Width            1366
            Monitor Height           768
            Monitor BPP   32 bits per pixel
            Monitor Frequency     60 Hz
            Device \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
Intel HD Graphics 4000
            Manufacturer  Intel
            Model  HD Graphics 4000
            Device ID       8086-0166
            Revision          A
            Subvendor       Toshiba (1179)
            Current Performance Level     Level 0
            Driver version
                        Count of performance levels : 1
                                    Level 1

Toshiba Satellite L840
                                Standard PS/2 Keyboard
                                                Device Kind        Keyboard
                                                Device Name     Standard PS/2 Keyboard
                                                Vendor (Standard keyboards)
                                                Location               plugged into keyboard port
                                Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad
                                                Device Kind        Mouse
                                                Device Name     Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad
                                                Vendor Synaptics
                                                Location               plugged into PS/2 mouse port
                                USB Video Device
                                                Device Kind                Camera/scanner
                                                Device Name     USB Video Device
                                                Vendor Feiya Technology Corp
                                                Comment            USB 2.0 PC Cam
                                                Location                0000.001d.0007.
                                                                Canon Inkjet iP1800 series
                                                                                Printer Port       USB001
                                                                                Print Processor            BJ Print Processor4
                                                                                Availability                Always
                                                                                Priority 1
                                                                                Duplex                None
                                                                                Print Quality  600 * 600 dpi Color
                                                                                Status                Unknown
                                                                Canon Inkjet iP1880 series
                                                                                Printer Port       LPT1:
                                                                                Print Processor            BJ Print Processor4
                                                                                Availability                Always
                                                                                Priority 1
                                                                                Duplex                None
                                                                                Print Quality  600 * 600 dpi Color
                                                                                Status                Unknown
                                                                Canon MP280 series Printer (Default Printer)
                                                                                Printer Port       USB002
                                                                                Print Processor            Canon MP280 series Print Processor
                                                                                Availability                Always
                                                                                Priority 1
                                                                                Duplex                None
                                                                                Print Quality  4294967293 dpi Color
                                                                                Status                Unknown
                                                                Canon MP280 series Printer XPS
                                                                                Printer Port       USB002
                                                                                Print Processor            winprint
                                                                                Availability                Always
                                                                                Priority 1
                                                                                Duplex                None
                                                                                Print Quality  4294967293 dpi Color
                                                                                Status                Unknown
                                                                                Printer Port       SHRFAX:
                                                                                Print Processor            winprint
                                                                                Availability                Always
                                                                                Priority 1
                                                                                Duplex                None
                                                                                Print Quality  200 * 200 dpi Monochrome
                                                                                Status                Unknown
                                                                Microsoft XPS Document Writer
                                                                                Printer Port       XPSPort:
                                                                                Print Processor            winprint
                                                                                Availability                Always
                                                                                Priority 1
                                                                                Duplex                None
                                                                                Print Quality  600 * 600 dpi Color
                                                                                Status                Unknown
                                                                Send To OneNote 2007
                                                                                Printer Port       Send To Microsoft OneNote Port:
                                                                                Print Processor            OneNotePrint2007
                                                                                Availability                Always
                                                                                Priority 1
                                                                                Duplex                None
                                                                                Print Quality  300 * 300 dpi Color
                                                                                Status                Unknown
                        Standard PS/2 Keyboard
                                    Device Kind    Keyboard
                                    Device Name  Standard PS/2 Keyboard
                                    Vendor            PNP
                                    Location          plugged into keyboard port
                        PS/2 Compatible Mouse
                                    Device Kind    Mouse
                                    Device Name  PS/2 Compatible Mouse
                                    Vendor            TOS
                                    Location          plugged into PS/2 mouse port
                        USB Video Device
                                    Device Kind            Camera/scanner
                                    Device Name  USB Video Device
                                    Vendor            Chicony Electronics Co Ltd
                                    Comment            TOSHIBA Web Camera - HD
                                    Location            0000.001a.0000.
                        Disk drive
                                    Device Kind    USB storage
                                    Device Name  Disk drive
                                    Vendor            TOSHIBA
                                    Comment            TOSHIBA TransMemory USB Device
                                    Location          USB Mass Storage Device
                                    Device Kind    Portable Device
                                    Device Name            TransMemory
                                    Vendor            TOSHIBA
                                    Comment            TOSHIBA
                                    Location          UMBus Enumerator
                                                            Printer Port     SHRFAX:
                                                            Print Processor         winprint
                                                            Availability     Always
                                                            Priority            1
                                                            Duplex            None
                                                            Print Quality            200 * 200 dpi Monochrome
                                                            Status            Unknown
                                                Microsoft XPS Document Writer (Default Printer)
                                                            Printer Port     PORTPROMPT:
                                                            Print Processor         winprint
                                                            Availability     Always
                                                            Priority            1
                                                            Duplex            None
                                                            Print Quality            600 * 600 dpi Color
                                                            Status            Unknown

*      Kesimpulannya adalah laptop Toshiba Satellite L840 lebih bagus daripada Notebook Tosibah NB255 dalam kapasitas penyimpanan data dan kecepatan prosesnya serta hal-hal yang lain.
Adapun penjelasan mengenai point-point diatas beserta fungsinya :
Ø  Fungsi CPU
CPU berfungsi seperti kalkulator, hanya saja CPU jauh lebih kuat daya pemrosesannya. Fungsi utama dari CPU adalah melakukan operasi aritmatika dan logika terhadap data yang diambil dari memori atau dari informasi yang dimasukkan melalui beberapa perangkat keras, seperti papan tombol, pemindai, tuas kontrol, maupun tetikus.
Ø  Fungsi RAM
Fungsi RAM adalah sebagai pendukung dan pelayan bagi prosesor dalam melakukan proses komputing. salah satu Hardware utama yang Harus ada untuk kelengkapan suatu rangkaian Hardware komputer.
RAM (Random Access Memory) mempunyai fungsi sebagai penyimpan data sementara. Menyimpan data dari hardisk dan menyuplai data untuk prosessor yang akan diproses. Semakin besar kapasitas memory semakin cepat pula kerja suatu komputer.
Ø  Fungsi Motherboard
Fungsi Motherboard ialah sebagai pusat perangkat keras komputer agar semua perangkat keras komputer bisa berhubungan antara komponen yang satu dengan yang lain.
Ø  Fungsi Hardisk
Harddisk merupakan ruang simpan utama dalam sebuah computer. Di situlah seluruh sistem operasi dan mekanisme kerja kantor dijalankan, setiap data dan informasi disimpan.
Ø  Fungsi Peripheral
Peripheral bertugas membantu komputer menyelesaikan tugas yang tidak dapat dilakukan oleh hardware yang sudah terpasang didalam casing.
- Peripheral utama (main peripheral)
Yaitu peralatan yang harus ada dalam mengoperasikan komputer.
Contoh periferal utama yaitu: monitor, keyboard dan mouse.
- Peripheral pendukung (auxillary peripheral)
Yaitu peralatan yang tidak mesti ada dalam mengoperasikan komputer tetapi diperlukan untuk kegiatan tertentu.
Ø  Fungsi Graphics Card
Fungsi VGA Card, yang sering disebut Graphic Card (kartu grafis) ataupun Video Card, adalah berfungsi untuk menerjemahkan/mengubah sinyal digital dari komputer menjadi tampilan grafis pada layar monitor.
Ø  Fungsi Network Card
Fungsi utama dari NIC adalah mengijinkan komputer untuk berkomunikasidalam network. Ia melakukan hal ini dengan mengirim/menerima danmengontrol traffic dengan komputer atau peralatan lain yang ada pada network.
Ø  Socket adalah mekanisme komunikasi yang memungkinkan terjadinya pertukaran data antar program atau proses baik dalam satu mesin maupun antar mesin.
Ø  Chipset merupakan IC ukuran kecil yang pada komputer  merupakan layaknya "polisi lalu lintas" pada papan induk, mengarahkan aliran data dan menentukan apa yang didukung oleh Personal Komputer (PC).
Sebuah chipset mengarahkan data dari CPU ke Chipset. Sedangkan Chipset dibagi menjadi dua bagian komponen utama yaitu, Northbridge dan Southbridge. Northbridge mengatur Chace memori, Memori Utama, Host Bus dan Slot PCI ekspansi. Sedangkan Soutbridge mengatur ISA Bus, dan menjembatani antara ISA Bus dan PCI Bus, mengatur dan mengontrol I/O port dan slot IDE. Chipset juga menentukan kecepatan dari front-side bus, bus memory dan bus grafis, serta kapasitas dan tipe memori yang di dukung motherboard.

 semoga berguna informasi diatas :)