Sabtu, 19 April 2014


Herbalic vs chemistry medicine
Where you choose ?
Most people certain choose chemistry medicine because it healing is faster than herbalic. But you don’t know if side effect of chemistry medicine is often happen. I want to show you tabel about ratio of herbalic and chemistry medicine. And I hope you can choose better treatment for your health :
Herbalic medicine
Chemistry medicine
Achieved price
The price relative is expensive because impor factor
Small side effect moreover there is not side effect if use which precise.
Side effect of therapy more often happen.
Slow reaction.
Fast reaction.
Full reform for body system.
Just reform some body system.
Efektif untuk penyakit kronis yang sulit diatasi dengan obat kimia.
Relatif kurang efektif untuk penyakit kronis
Side therapy : diet of some food.
Side therapy : diet of some food and some treatment of body like surgical or operation and management of stress.

If you ask, where which better between herbalic or chemistry medicine ? the answer is dependent of your situation and condition. Because the reaction of herbalic medicine is slow of emergency case like bleeding, chemistry better use because faster reaction for overcome symptom and muffle of feel sick.
The same metter for handling patient of acute ill like cancer which last stadium. Because this is emergency, operation and surgical more effective because relative fast.  But if patient want to herbalic medicine can still give but can’t use only except for combination chemistry and other medicine which need. For that moment, the function of herbalic more focus of rise  effectiveness treatment and decrease side effect of chemistry medicine.Different with if condition patient still safe. Using herbalic medicine can use only.
 Dr Amarullah H Siregar opinion’s, chemistry medicine more function for treat symptom, but not cure. So chemistry medicine just repair some body system. Different with herbalic medicine which work direct entire cell, tissue, and organ of body damage and increase immune body system to fight versus dissease.
Example, meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria) have effect like antibiotic. It is not direct kill patogen, but first activate gland in body so produce cell-T to kill patogen. Because this, need long time to feel effect from herblic medicine. Although thus, superiority of herbalic medicine is minimal side effect or there is not side effect if use with right .
In the other hand consume herbalic medicine can dengerous of life. Scientist from King’s College, England found fact if herbalic medicine have good function, but also threaten kidney and cardiovascullar system. And to respond that found, dr.furqon as health specialist say if herbalic medicine can dangerous if producer add something in herbalic ingredients like,  
1. mix with steroid medicine for encouraging appetite.
2. Mix with steroid and analgetic medicine to arrest feel sick : reumatism, sick of   hinge, etc.         
 3. Mix with sidenafil, it is medicine for strong man.
If you want to consume herbalic medicine you must attention some matter :
1. herbal product said safety if Produk herbal finish proof as scientific pass through collection of safety test : toxicity and teratogenic.
2. Definite herbalic medicine get turn formal license and buy from reliable producer.
3. Herbalic medicine not certain safe for child, young, old, pregnant women and give suck or patient with cancer and surgical.
4. Therapist know about anatomy and physiology of human.
5. Careful with false medicine or expiration date.
6. Use appropriate instruction, not remain.
7. Careful if consume with chemistry medicine if there is not scientific data. Because can dangerous.
8. Not shy to ask to herbal specialist about using. Because each body have different respond for medicine, although have same complaint.
9. Need to know what food, drink, medicine and activity which must avoid during consume herbalic medicine.

In this conclusion, herbal or chemistry medicine use dependent of your situation and condition.

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