Can be defined as the process of learning to adjust to group norms, traditions, and moral religion (Joseph, 2012: 65)
Social development is the achievement of maturity in social relations. Can also be defined as the process of learning to conform to group norms, morals, and traditions: merged into a unified, communicate and work together (Budiamin, et al. 2006: 124)
To reach social maturity, children should learn about ways to adjust to other people. This ability is obtained children through a variety of opportunities or experiences hanging out with people in their environment, whether parents, siblings, peers or other adults. (Yusuf, 2000: 122)
In the subsequent process of social development of children is influenced by the treatment or counseling of parents of children in introducing the various aspects of social life or social norms kehiduapan and encourage and provide an example to their children how to apply these norms in everyday life. Parental guidance process is called socialization.
Ambron (in, Nurihsan and Agustin 2006:124) defines socialization as a learning process to guide children toward the development of a social personality that can become responsible and effective members.
Social development of elementary school-age children have special characteristics in conduct that is realized in the form of specific actions. Joseph (2000: 126) identified as follows:
- Insubordination (negativism), which is a form of behavior against.
- Aggression (aggression), the attitude to strike back physically (nonverbal) and words(verbal).
- Dispute / fight (quarreling), occurs when a child feels offended or disturbed by the attitude of the other child's behavior.
- Teasing (teasing), that is, as other forms of aggressive behavior.
- Competition (rivaly), which exceeds the desires of others and obtaining driven (stimulated) by others.
- Cooperation (cooperation), the attitude of willing to work with the group.
- The behavior of ruling (Ascendant behavior), which is a kind of behavior to master social situations, dominate or be "bussiness"
- Mementingakn self (selfishness), which egoisentris attitude in meet interest or desire.
- Sympathy (sympathy), the emotional attitudes that encourage people to pay attention to other people, come near or worked with him.
- Social context in the development ofAccording to the theory of Bronfenbrenner (in Santrock, translation 2010: 90-101), the social context in which children live will affect the child's development. The following are three contexts in which the child spends most of his time: family, peer-sepermainan (peer), and schools.
- Family
Varied situations in the family will affect the child's development and will influence the development of children and affects student inside and outside of the classroom (Cowan & Cowan, 2002; Morrison & Cooney, 2002).Parenting Style Baumrind says that there are four forms of parenting or parenting styles:- Authoratian Parenting, parenting style that limit (restrictive) and punishing (punitive) where there is little conversation between parents and students; produce children who are socially inept.
- Authoritative parenting, positive parenting style that encourages children to independent but still limiting and controlling their actions; extensive conversations allowed; produce socially competent children.
- Neglectful parenting, parenting style where parents do not care, or parents just spend a little time with their children, the result is a child who is socially inept.
- Indulgent Parenting, parenting style where parents are actively involved members but few restrictions or restraints on the behavior of children; result is children who are socially inept.
- Peers According to Santrock (translation, 2010: 100) in the context of child development, age is a child friend of the same age or at the same maturity level. One of the most important functions of the same age group is to provide resources and comparison of the world outside the family. There are at least four types of peer status, namely:
- (A) Children popular (popular children), often dinominaasikan as best friend and rarely hated peers.(B) is negligible (neglected children), rarely nominated as a best friend, but instead by disliked by their peers.(C) The children denied (rejevted children), rarely nominated as best friends and often hated by friends of his age.(D) Children Controversial (Controversial). Often times nominated as a good friend but also often not preferred.
- School
Schools are educational institutions that serve to facilitate the development of the whole child. Not only the knowledge and intellectual aspects that need to be addressed and nurtured, but overall aspects including social aspects of child development.Here are some implications that need to be considered with regard to teacher learning that the creation of an environment conducive to the growth and development of children.First, to improve children's ability to recognize and appreciate their social experiences. Can be done aktivits role-playing activities, film screenings and other similar activities that show them how people express social emotions are fair and reasonable and not-Consequently kosekuensi.Secondly, to be considered is the prominence of the role of peers for elementary school children. Existence peers for elementary school children is significant, not only as a source of fun for children but can help develop many aspects of child development.According to Erikson (in Santrock, translation 2010: 87-88), the main theme of life is the search for identity. The identity of a person is not simply linked to the understanding and acceptance of the community (neighborhood).sumber :